
DeVita Ritm - 30


For the first time the thought of energy presence in a human body and of health dependence on its circulation was expressed by ancient Esculapians of China, India, and Egypt. Every human organ emits certain resonance frequencies. Under the influence of unfavourable external factors, modern life full of stresses, bad environment, its frequencies deviate from their natural parameters, and a risk of disease can occur.

Electromagnetic Device "DeVita-Ritm" is a unique development in the field of good health support without medication. “DeVita-Ritm” softly and safely influences on the human body without disturbing its energy balance either in the whole or locally. The most important advantage of “DeVita-Ritm” is the availability of automatic programs for health support by sessions. In addition, the Device has a feature of programming by any of the available prophylactic programs with Therapy 8. This allows you to choose an individual prophylactic course for each person.

“DeVita-Ritm” has been highly praised by the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation and has passed all the required clinical trials and testing in over 100 medical establishments in Russia.

The Device is more than 85% effective in disease prevention, as well as the organ’s rehabilitation after combating the diseases listed below:
- Cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, stenocardia, tachycardia, edema, varicose veins, etc.)
- Endocrine disorders
- Kidney diseases (pye lonephritis, renal colic, etc.)
- Genitourinary diseases
- Urological diseases (pro state gland adenoma, prostatitis, etc.)
- Gastrointestinal disturbances
- Pulmonary diseases (bronchitis, asthma, pulmonary edema, pneumonia, etc.)
- Headaches of various origins
- Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems
- Gynaecological diseases
- Angina, laryngitis, otitis and others.

The Device has proved itself successful in disease and ailment prevention, including stress, over strain, fatigue, etc.

“DeVita-Ritm” can be used as a workplace protection system against harmful radiation and other dangers including:
- Increased radiation level
- X-rays and ultrasonic devices
- Computers, copiers, and TV-sets
- Increased levels of electromagnet ic radiation, including transmission facilities;
- Insufficient natural electromagnetic fields

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